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Open field
Batavia lettuce AGRIBEL very flexible and tolerantAGRIBEL is a versatile green batavia variety. In the field, it stands up well and is easy to cut. Its head is open. Sanitary aspects, AGRIBEL incorporates high resistance to mildew (races 16-36 EU) and green aphid. As well as intermediate resistance to lettuce mosaic virus 1.
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How does VOLTZ Maraîchage select its seeds?
Since 1998, we have been committed to organic farming. We offer over 600 organic varieties. We are uncompromising about the quality and traceability of all our products. To secure your production, we have developed a unique quality standard. Our seeds undergo strict control and approval procedures in our laboratory.
Lettuce variety AMAROZA is remarkable for its presentation. Balanced plant. Easy to harvest. Round with thick leaves and round underside.
Batavia lettuce CARMEN organic: red and hardyCARMEN is an organic, anthocyanic batavia variety, red in color and very flexible in use. Its head is closed. It is characterized by its hardiness: slow to set seed and not very susceptible to tip-burn. And in terms of health, CARMEN incorporates high resistance to lettuce mosaic virus 1.
The variety DIABLOTIN is a bright red batavia lettuce. For outdoor use (spring, summer, autumn).
Batavia lettuce FEREGA the flexible, tolerant blondeFEREGA is a blond winter batavia variety. It stands out for its bright green color and versatility of use. It grows well in cold conditions. The plant is balanced, not brittle and easy to handle. The head is open. The underside is closed and very healthy. Sanitary aspects, FEREGA incorporates high resistance to downy mildew (races 16-36 EU) and tomato stunting virus.
The variety GYLONA Good volume, heavy. Slightly curled leaves. Attractive color and presentation. Good tolerance to internal necrosis and double-heartedness.
Beautiful presentation, excellent quality underneath. Ideal for autumn and early spring production. early spring production. Open apple. Used for punnets, 4th range. Resistance: HR: Bl 16-36EU,Nr(0) / IR: Fol:1.
Slightly darker color. Grows in open fields and under cover.
Batavia lettuce LENY the tolerant blonde with the big headLENY is a blond batavia to be sold in trays. This variety is suitable for both open field and sheltered cultivation. It is characterized by large, very dense heads, with a formation of shiny, light-green semi-open heads. It provides the best storage quality in the field. Sanitary aspects, LENY includes high resistance to mildew (races 16, 19, 21, 23 EU) and green aphid. As well as intermediate resistance to lettuce mosaic virus 1. It is also very robust against botrytis.
Thick, blistered, serrated leaf. Marked red color, very bright. Semi-upright plant, resistant to heat and bolting. For all seasons. Type Fermé Type of cultivation is open field. Resistant to HR: Bl 16, 21, 23, 32, IR: LMV 1.
A well-filled batavia variety. Flat underside with flexible stems for easy handling and harvesting.
Slightly closed, attractive, voluminous apple. Half-headed apple. Field grown.
Lettuce SementelType: open.Resistances: HR: Bl 16 - 37EU, Nr (0), TBSVVigorous plant in autumn and compact in spring with a medium core andan upright underside. Very good early-season growth.
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